Smooth Rosonweed (Silphium asteriscus var. latifolium (A. Gray) J.A. Clevinger)

Asteraceae/Compositae (Aster/Composit Family) Scientific Name Synonym(s): Silphium confertifolium Small, Silphium glabrum Eggert ex Small, Silphium trifoliatum var. latifolium A. Gray, Silphium asteriscus ssp. latifolium Weber & T.R. Fisher. Common Name Synonym(s): Starry Rosinweed Base Flower Color: YellowReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, AugNotes: Notice the smooth stem and leaves lacking hairs (Glabrous). For more information about thisContinue reading “Smooth Rosonweed (Silphium asteriscus var. latifolium (A. Gray) J.A. Clevinger)”

Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

Knotweed family (Polygonaceae) Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, NovNotes: The seeds are an attractive source of food to various upland gamebirds, graminivorous songbirds, and small mammals, including squirrels. For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Ramps (Allium tricoccum Aiton)

Liliaceae (Lily Family) Synonym(s): Wild Leek, Ramp Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, Aug, SeptNotes: Two long, glossy, oval leaves appear in early spring and wither away before the smooth, 6-10 in. flowering stalk matures. Small white flowers occur in a hemispherical, terminal cluster of creamy-white flowers. For more information about this plant, ClickContinue reading “Ramps (Allium tricoccum Aiton)”

Blanket Flower (Gaillardia pulchella Foug.)

Synonym(s): Indian Blanket, Firewheel, Girasol Rojo Asteraceae (Aster Family) Base Flower Color: Red, Yellow, Brown (incl. Maroon) (incl. Maroon), PurpleReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul, AugBloom Notes: May flower longer if rains are plentiful. For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Hairy Wood Mint (Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh) Benth.)

Lamiaceae (Mint Family) Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov For more information about this plant, Click Here. Similar Species: Downy Wood Mint (Blephilia ciliata (L.) Benth.)

Gray Beardtongue (Penstemon canescens (Britton) Britton)

Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family) Synonym(s): Eastern Gray Beardtongue Base Flower Color: PinkReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, JulNotes: This plant is the host plant for the Buckeye butterfly. For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius Maxim.)

Rosaceae (Rose Family) Base Flower Color: White, PinkReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, JulNotes: Wineberry forms dense shady thickets that displace native plants and significantly alter habitat structure. For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Corn Chamomile (Anthemis arvensis L.)

Asteraceae/Compositae (Aster/Composit Family) Base Flower Color: White, YellowReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, JulBloom Notes: Field Chamomile can be distinguished from other mayweeds by its flat leaf-segments (rather than rounded leaf-segments), and by the woolly pubescence of its foliage. It does not possess the unpleasant odor of Dog Fennel (A. cotula). For more information about this plant,Continue reading “Corn Chamomile (Anthemis arvensis L.)”

Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum Aiton)

Ericaceae (Heath Family) Synonym(s): Blue Ridge Blueberry, Bilberry, Dryland Blueberry, Hillside Blueberry, Whortleberry Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: Mar, AprNotes: Probably the tastiest of our native blueberries. For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Two-Flowered Cynthia (Krigia biflora (Walter) S. F. Blake var. biflora)

Asteraceae (Aster Family) Synonym(s): Two-flower Dwarf Dandelion, Two-flower Cynthia, Dwarf Dandelion Base Flower Color: Orange, YellowReproductive Phenology: Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug For more information about this plant, Click Here.