Large-Flowered Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb.)

Trilliaceae (Trillium Family) Synonym(s): White Wake-robin, White Trillium, Large-flower Wake-robin, Large-flower Trillium, Large-flowered Wake-robin, Large-flowered Trillium Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: April, May For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Spring Creek Bladderpod (Paysonia perforata (Rollins) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz)

Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) Synonym(s): Spring Creek Bladderpod Base Flower Color: White, Yellow, BlueReproductive Phenology: Mar, AprBloom Notes: Flower petals are white, butter-yellow proxima For more information about this plant, Click Here. Similar Species: Stones River Bladderpod (Paysonia stonensis (Rollins) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz)

Heartleaf Nettle (Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh)

Urticaceae (Nettle Family) Synonym(s): Dwarf Stinging Nettle; Heartleaf Nettle; Heart-leaf Stinging Nettle Base Flower Color: GreenReproductive Phenology: Mar, Apr, MayNotes: Do not touch this plant. You will immediately be sorry. Its called “stinging” for a reason. Its not the thorns that get you, its the hairs on the leaves that do the real damage. PainContinue reading “Heartleaf Nettle (Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh)”

Butterweed (Packera glabella (Poir.) C. Jeffrey)

Asteraceae/Compositae (Aster/Composit Family) Synonym(s): Cress-leaf Groundsel, Yellowtop Base Flower Color: Yellow, OrangeReproductive Phenology: Mar, Apr, May For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Littleleaf Buttercup (Ranunculus abortivus L.)

Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family) Synonym(s): Littleleaf Buttercup, Kidney-leaf Buttercup, Early Wood Buttercup Base Flower Color: YellowReproductive Phenology: Mar, Apr, May, JunNotes: Mostly smooth stem. For more information about this plant, Click Here. Similar Species: Rock Buttercup (Ranunculus micranthus Nutt.)

Rock Buttercup (Ranunculus micranthus Nutt.)

Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family) Synonym(s): Rock Buttercup, Small-flowered Crowfoot, Tiny-flowered Buttercup Base Flower Color: YellowReproductive Phenology: Mar, Apr, May, JunNotes: Hairy stem. For more information about this plant, Click Here. Similar Species: Littleleaf Buttercup (Ranunculus abortivus L.)

Ozark Trillium (Trillium pusillum (Palmer & Steyerm.) Steyerm. var. ozarkanum)

Trilliaceae (Trillium Family) Synonym(s): Ozark Wakerobin, Ozark Trillium, Dwarf Trillium Base Flower Color: Pink, WhiteReproductive Phenology: Mar, Apr, May, JunBloom Notes: In 2023 this bloomed as early as Feb. 26! For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Slender Toothwort (Cardamine angustata O. E. Schulz)

Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) Base Flower Color: Pink, Purple, WhiteReproductive Phenology: Mar, Apr, May, Jun For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica L.)

Portulacaceae (Purslane Family) Synonym(s): Virginia Springbeauty, Springbeauty Base Flower Color: White, PinkReproductive Phenology: Feb, Mar, Apr For more information about this plant, Click Here. Similar Species: Carolina Spring Beauty (Claytonia caroliniana Michx.).

Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule var. amplexicaule)

Lamiaceae (Mint Family) Synonym(s): Henbit; Henbit Deadnettle; Greater Henbit Base Flower Color: PinkReproductive Phenology: Feb, Mar, Apr For more information about this plant, Click Here.