Canada Mayflower (Maianthemum canadense Desf.)

Ruscaceae (Butcher’s Broom Family)Previously Liliaceae (Lily Family) Synonym(s): False Lily-of-the-Valley, Two-leaved Solomon’s Seal, Canadian May-lily, Wild Lily-of-the-Valley, Elf Feather, Heartleaf, Muguet, One Blade, Scurvy Berries, Tobacco Berries, and Canada Beadruby. Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Indian Pipe (Monotropa uniflora L.)

Monotropaceae (Indian Pipe Family) Synonym(s): Indianpipe, Indian Pipe Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Hedge Bindweed (Calystegia sepium Brummitt ssp. appalachiana)

Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory Family) Synonym(s): Hedge False Bindweed, Hedge Bindweed, Appalachia False Bindweed Base Flower Color: White, YellowReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria L.)

Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family) Base Flower Color: White, YellowReproductive Phenology: May, Jun For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Clustered Black Snakeroot (Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K. M. Pryer & L. R. Phillippe)

Apiaceae (Carrot Family) Synonym(s): Clustered Blacksnakeroot Base Flower Color: Yellow, WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Slender-Flowered Beardtongue (Penstemon tenuiflorus Pennell)

Plantaginaceae (Plantian Family) Synonym(s): Eastern Whiteflower Penstemon, Eastern Whiteflower Beardtongue Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: Apr, May, Jun For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Tennessee Milk Vetch (Astragalus tennesseensis A. Gray ex Chapm.)

Fabaceae (Pea Family) Base Flower Color: White , YellowReproductive Phenology: Apr , MayBloom Notes: Flowers are greenish- or yellow-tinged creamy-white. For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Miami Mist (Phacelia purshii Buckley)

Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf Family) Synonym(s): Blue Phacelia, Wild Scorpion Weed Base Flower Color: Blue, Purple, WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, JunBloom Notes: Since the clusters of flowers are composed of pale lavender to violet-blue individual flowers arranged in a coil that resembles a curled scorpion’s tail. For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Showy Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium reginae Walter)

Orchidaceae (Orchid Family) Synonym(s): Showy Lady’s Slipper Base Flower Color: White, PinkReproductive Phenology: Jun, JulBloom Notes: This plant is a clonal plant that grows slowly, occasionally taking over 16 years to produce its first bloom; a single plant can live over fifty years. For more information about this plant, Click Here and Here.

Great Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum Michx.)

Boraginaceae (Borage Family) Synonym(s): Appendaged Waterleaf, Woolen Breeches Base Flower Color: Blue, WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul For more information about this plant, Click Here.