Asteraceae/Compositae (Aster/Composit Family) Base Flower Color: Blue, WhiteReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct For more information about this plant, Click Here.
Tag Archives: White
Winter Creeper (Euonymus fortunei Turcz. Hand.-Maz.)
Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) Synonym(s): Wintercreeper, Climbing Euonymus, Fortune’s Spindle Base Flower Color: Green, WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, JunBloom Notes: This plant can either be a liana (i.e., a woody plant with a vine-like growth form) or a shrub (i.e., a woody plant with several stems growing from the base). This is the shrub version. I doContinue reading “Winter Creeper (Euonymus fortunei Turcz. Hand.-Maz.)”
Nodding Lady’s Tresses (Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich.)
Orchidaceae (Orchid Family) Synonym(s): Nodding Ladies’-tresses, Ladies’-tresses, Nodding Lady’s Tresses Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, NovBloom Notes: In total population numbers, Nodding Lady’s Tresses is second only to Downy Rattlesnake Plantain, Goodryea pubescens, as the largest orchid species in the southern Appalachian Mountains. For more information about this plant, Click HereContinue reading “Nodding Lady’s Tresses (Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich.)”
Biennial Gaura (Oenothera gaura W.L. Wagner & Hoch)
Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family) Synonym(s): Biennial Beeblossom, Biennial Gaura Base Flower Color: White, PinkReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct For more information about this plant, Click Here.
Branched Foldwing (Dicliptera brachiata (Pursh) Spreng.)
Acanthaceae (Acanthus Family) Synonym(s): Wild Mudwort, False Mint, Eastern Tailed Blue Base Flower Color: White, PinkReproductive Phenology: Aug, Sept, Oct For more information about this plant, click Here.
Bur Cucumber (Sicyos angulatus L.)
Cucurbitaceae (Cucumber Family) Synonym(s): One-seed Burr Cucumber, Star Cucumber, Bur Cucumber Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, NovListed as a Noxious weed in many states. For more information about this plant, Click Here.
Beechdrops (Epifagus virginiana (L.) W. P. C. Barton)
Orobanchaceae (Broom-Rape Family) Base Flower Color: Brown (incl. Maroon), WhiteReproductive Phenology: Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov OctBloom Notes: This species is well-known as a root parasite on American Beech (Fagus grandifolia). Thus, it can only occur in hardwood forests where that common tree is found. For more information about this plant, Click Here.
Hoary Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum incanum)
Lamiaceae (Mint Family) Synonym(s): Silverleaf Mountain Mint, Hairy Mountain Mint, Wild Basil, Hoary Basil Base Flower Color: White, PinkReproductive Phenology: Jun, Jul, Aug, SeptBloom Notes: The common name of mountain mint for this mint family member is somewhat misleading since the plant typically grows in dry open woods, thickets and fields in the eastern UnitedContinue reading “Hoary Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum incanum)”
Mapleleaf Alumroot (Heuchera macrorhiza Small)
Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family) Synonym(s): Hairy Alumroot Base Flower Color: WhiteReproductive Phenology: May, Jun, Jul For more information about this plant, Click Here.
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees)
Lauraceae (Laurel Family) Base Flower Color: Green, YellowReproductive Phenology: Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul For more information about this plant, Click Here.