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AAStatus (796)
G1 Globely Critically Imperiled (6)
G2 Globely Imperiled (4)
G3 Globely Vulnerable (4)
Invasive (18)
Native (677)
Native and Introduced (2)
Non-Native (114)
Poisonous (36)
S1 Endangered TN (22)
S2 Threatened TN (13)
S3 Special Concern TN (15)
Shrub/Tree (60)
Vine (41)
Families (818)
Acanthaceae (Acanthus Family) (5)
Agavaceae (Century-Plant Family) (1)
Alismataceae (Arrowhead Family) (2)
Amaranthaceae (Amaranth Family) (1)
Amaryllidaceae (Daffodil Family) (3)
Anacardiaceae (Sumac Family) (2)
Annonaceae (Custard-Apple Family) (1)
Apiaceae (Carrot Family) (16)
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) (4)
Araceae (Arum Family) (2)
Araliaceae (Ginseng Family) (4)
Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort Family) (5)
Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family) (15)
Asparagaceae (Asparagus Family) (1)
Asteraceae (Aster Family) (3)
Asteraceae/Compositae (Aster/Composit Family) (149)
Balsaminaceae (Touch-Me-Not Family) (2)
Berberidaceae (Barberry Family) (6)
Bignoniaceae (Trumpet Creeper Family) (3)
Boraginaceae (Borage Family) (10)
Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) (22)
Buxaceae (Boxwood Family) (1)
Cabombaceae (Water-shield Family) (1)
Cactaceae (Cactus Family) (1)
Calycanthaceae (Stawberry-Shrub Family) (1)
Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family) (11)
Capparidaceae (Caper Family) (1)
Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) (6)
Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family) (10)
Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) (3)
Clethraceae (Clethra Family) (1)
Clusiaceae (Mangosteen Family) (12)
Commelinaceae (Spiderwort Family) (5)
Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory Family) (6)
Cornaceae (Dogwood Family) (2)
Crassulaceae (Stonecrop Family) (3)
Cucurbitaceae (Cucumber Family) (2)
Cuscutaceae (Dodder Family) (1)
Cyperaceae (Sedge Family) (4)
Diapensiaceae (Diapensia Family) (1)
Diervillaceae (Honeysuckle Family) (1)
Dioscoreaceae (Yam Family) (2)
Dipsacaceae (Teasel Family) (1)
Droseraceae (Sundew Family) (1)
Equisetaceae (Horsetail Family) (1)
Ericaceae (Heath Family) (12)
Euphorbiaceae (Spurge Family) (10)
Fabaceae (Pea Family) (47)
Fumariaceae (Fumitory Family) (4)
Gentianaceae (Gentian Family) (7)
Geraniaceae (Geranium Family) (4)
Hippocastanaceae (Horse-Chestnut Family) (2)
Hyacinthaceae (Asparagus Family) (1)
Hydrangeaceae (Hydranga Family) (3)
Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf Family) (9)
Hypoxidaceae (Star-Grass Family) (1)
Iridaceae (Iris Family) (10)
Juncaceae (Rush Family) (1)
Lamiaceae (Mint Family) (40)
Lauraceae (Laurel Family) (1)
Lentibulariaceae (Bladderwort Family) (2)
Liliaceae (Lily Family) (51)
Linaceae (Flax Family) (1)
Loganiaceae (Logania Family) (2)
Lythraceae (Loosestrife Family) (3)
Malvaceae (Mallow Family) (3)
Melanthiaceae (Bunchflower Family) (1)
Melastomataceae (Melastome Family) (2)
Menispermaceae (Moonseed Family) (1)
Monotropaceae (Indian Pipe Family) (3)
Nymphaeaceae (Water Lily Family) (1)
Oleaceae (Olive Family) (2)
Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family) (12)
Ophioglossaceae (Adders-Tongue Family) (3)
Orchidaceae (Orchid Family) (36)
Orobanchaceae (Broom-Rape Family) (6)
Oxalidaceae (Wood Sorrel Family) (5)
Papaveraceae (Poppy Family) (2)
Passifloraceae (Passion-Flower Family) (2)
Phytolaccaceae (Pokeweed Family) (1)
Plantaginaceae (Plantian Family) (9)
Polemoniaceae (Phlox Family) (9)
Polygalaceae (Milkwort Family) (7)
Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family) (10)
Pontederiaceae (Pickerelweed Family) (1)
Portulacaceae (Purslane Family) (2)
Primulaceae (Primrose Family) (7)
Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family) (29)
Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn Family) (2)
Rosaceae (Rose Family) (26)
Rubiaceae (Madder Family) (12)
Ruscaceae (Butcher’s Broom Family) (2)
Santalaceae (Sandalwood Family) (2)
Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family) (9)
Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family) (28)
Smilacaceae (Catbrier Family) (3)
Solanaceae (Potato Family) (5)
Sparganiaceae (Bur Reed Family) (1)
Staphyleaceae (Bladdernut Family) (1)
Trilliaceae (Trillium Family) (14)
Umbelliferae (Parsley Family) (1)
Urticaceae (Nettle Family) (3)
Valerianaceae (Valerian Family) (3)
Verbenaceae (Vervain Family) (7)
Violaceae (Violet Family) (16)
Vitaceae (Grape Family) (1)
Xyridaceae (Yellow-Eyed Grass Family) (1)
Photographers (822)
Bart Jones, photographer (17)
Betsy Lee, photographer (14)
Eli S. Harris, photographer (2)
George Wallace, photographer (784)
Linda Francis, photographer (2)
Michele Lee, photographer (5)
Photographic Location (811)
Photographic Location: Appalachian Center for Craft in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Arnold Engineering Development Complex in Middle TN. (48)
Photographic Location: Barfield Wilderness Loop in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Beaman Park Nature Center in Nashville, Tennessee. (9)
Photographic Location: Big Hill Pond State Park in West Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Big South Fork National Park. (36)
Photographic Location: Bledsoe Creek State Park in Middle Tennessee. (6)
Photographic Location: Blount County in East Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Bone Cave in Middle Tennessee. (3)
Photographic Location: Bridal Veil Trail in Sewanee, Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Burgess Falls State Park in Middle Tennessee. (8)
Photographic Location: Cane Creek Park in Middle Tennessee. (10)
Photographic Location: Carroll Cabin Barrens State Natural Area in West Tennessee. (6)
Photographic Location: Cedars of Lebanon State Park in Middle Tennessee. (54)
Photographic Location: Chickasaw State Park in West Tennessee, Bart Jones. (1)
Photographic Location: Claiborne County in East Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Cocke County in East Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Coffee County in Middle Tennessee. (6)
Photographic Location: Couchville Cedar Glades in Middle Tennessee. (45)
Photographic Location: Cumberland County in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Cumberland Mountain State Park in Middle Tennessee. (32)
Photographic Location: Cummins Falls State Park in Middle Tennessee. (35)
Photographic Location: David Crockett State Park in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Dekalb County in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Edgar Evans State Park in Middle Tennessee. (17)
Photographic Location: Fall Creek Falls State Park in Middle Tennessee. (6)
Photographic Location: Flat Rock Cedar Glade in Middle Tennessee. (81)
Photographic Location: Fontanel in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Foothills Parkway in East Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Ghost River State Natural Area in Fayette County, Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Great Smokey Mountains Appalachian Trail. (9)
Photographic Location: Great Smokey Mountains National Park. (137)
Photographic Location: Hamblen County in East Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge in West Tennessee. (3)
Photographic Location: Henry Horton State Park in Middle Tennessee. (7)
Photographic Location: James H. “Sloppy” Floyd State Park in North Georgia. (7)
Photographic Location: John & Hester Lane Cedar Glades. (6)
Photographic Location: Jones Mill Bike Trail in Middle Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Lady Bluff TVA Wilderness Area in West Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Lancaster Hwy in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Larkspur Conservation in Middle Tennessee (4)
Photographic Location: Little Cedar Mountain (2)
Photographic Location: Longhunter State Park Bryant Cove in Middle Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Longhunter State Park in Middle Tennessee. (6)
Photographic Location: Longhunter State Park Volunteer Trail in Middle Tennessee. (10)
Photographic Location: Marion County in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: May Prairie State Natural Area in Middle Tennessee. (68)
Photographic Location: Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park in West Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Miscellaneous Cedar Glade in Middle Tennessee. (17)
Photographic Location: Montgomery Bell State Park in Middle Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Murfree Springs Wetlands in Murfreesboro Tennessee. (7)
Photographic Location: Natchez Trace State Park in West Tennessee. (3)
Photographic Location: Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park in West Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Old Brownsport Furnace Rd in Decaturville, Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Old Stone Fort State Park in Middle Tennessee. (32)
Photographic Location: Opossum Hollow in Wilson County, Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Penny Slough, Decatur County. (1)
Photographic Location: Piney River Trail in Middle Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Putman County in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Reelfoot Lake in West Tennessee (5)
Photographic Location: Roan Mountain in East Tennessee. (21)
Photographic Location: Rock Island State Park in Middle Tennessee. (25)
Photographic Location: Rutherford County in Middle Tennessee. (6)
Photographic Location: Savage Gulf State Park in Middle Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Sellars Farm State Archaeological Area in Middle Tennessee. (8)
Photographic Location: Sevier County in East Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Short Springs State Natural Area. (18)
Photographic Location: Skymont Scout Reservation in Middle Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Smith County in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Soldier’s Beach Trail in Cumberland County, Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: South Cumberland State Park, Fiery Gizzard Trail. (16)
Photographic Location: Spencer Tennessee. (9)
Photographic Location: Standing Stone State Park in Middle Tennessee. (73)
Photographic Location: Stillhouse Hollow Falls in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Sullivan County in East Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Sumner County in Middle Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Sycamore Ridge Ranch in Middle Tennessee. (191)
Photographic Location: Taylor Hollow State Natural Area in Middle Tennessee. (86)
Photographic Location: The Farm Prairie and Oak Savanna, Lewis County, Tennessee. (9)
Photographic Location: Tims Ford State Park in Middle Tennessee. (1)
Photographic Location: Vesta Cedar Glades in Middle Tennessee. (20)
Photographic Location: Wade Bourne Nature Center in Clarksville, Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Walterhill Floodplain in Rutherford County Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Willow Grove on Dale Hollow Lake. (2)
Photographic Location: Wilson County in Middle Tennessee. (103)
Photographic Location: Winding Staircase Nature Trail in Lafayette Tennessee. (2)
Photographic Location: Window Cliffs State Park in Middle Tennessee. (4)
Photographic Location: Wornicov Woods in Sumner County Tennessee. (15)
Uncategorized (3)
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Happy Trails…. George
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